Rocca di Frassinello Winery
The Rocca di Frassinello Winery in the heart of maremma Toscana, a vivid growing wine area with more and more coltivated fields , has many authentic wines and it’s just few minutes drive from our farms. Here you can have visit to the mgnificent canteen and have a taste of their exquisite wines. The winery is based on the hills in front of little town Giuncarico non far away from Castiglione della Pescaia and it’s design by architect Renzo Piano. This is also the only canteen he has desiged.
This winery is a joint-venture among italin and french knoledge on wine, which exquisit products are wines like Rocca di Frassinello, Sughere di Frassinello, Poggio alla Guardia, Baffonero, Ornello e Vermentino. You can visit the canteen with a guided tour, or you can choose tour+tasting (book ahead of time). In such tasting you will also taste local chees and hams. In order to book your tour please get in touch with the winery. The staff is prepared also in english language.

Rocca di Frassinello

Loc. Giuncarico Scalo
58023 Gavorrano (GR)

+39 0566 88400

15 min

